Introducing the most luxurious and one of the deepest SWIM SPA on the worldwide market: brand new NAUTILUS XXL!
Brand Canadian SPA brings onto market another full-equipped and highly comfortable SWIM SPA. New model Nautilus XXL with amazing dimentions, unique design and top-level technologies is the best we can offer in SWIM SPA class. And we are proud to inform, that Nautilus XXL is also one of the best that global SWIM SPA market can offer worldwide.
What makes NAUTILUS XXL so special? At first, it’s the shell dimension 5810 x 2205 x 1520 mm. It’s stuffed by the top-level technologies by BALBOA WATER GROUP, CG AIR and Canadian SPA. It’s surface is made by LUCITÉ Acrylic with Microban protection. Inner disposition excels by unque anatomical with great ergonomy shapes. Its divaded into separate massage and realxation zones, that can be switched independently.
Contorl system can be extended with remote control by Apple devices like iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Thanks to this, your SWIM SPA can be still under control wherever you are.